北京市人大常委会表示,北京市将推动学校、医院等公共机构以及商业办公楼宇、旅游景区、酒店等经营性场所垃圾强制分类逐步全覆盖。 Beijing will introduce mandatory garbage classification rules at schools, hospitals, office buildings, tourist attractions and hotels, according to the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress, the local legislature.

每日一词∣垃圾分类 garbage classification





实行垃圾分类,关系广大人民群众生活环境,关系节约使用资源,也是社会文明水平的一个重要体现。 Garbage classification is related to the people's living environment and the economical use of resources. It is also an important embodiment of the level of civic-mindedness. ——2019年6月3日,习近平对垃圾分类工作作出重要指示


厨余垃圾 kitchen waste

可回收垃圾 recyclable waste

有害垃圾 harmful waste

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
