
当我们用英语谈论家乡时,最先想到的可能是这样的对话:-Where do you live, Lisa?

-I live in Shanghai. What about you?

其实,我们完全可以加入一些细节,让自己的回答更加有趣有料。用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的

要点一:城市类型I live in a small town.我住在一个小镇上

I live in a small town called Orlando.我住在一个名叫奥兰多的小镇上

I live in Orlando which is a small town.我住在奥兰多,是个小镇。

My hometown is Orlando which is a small town.我的家乡是奥兰多小镇

用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的

除了小镇small town还有哪些城市类型呢?big city/huge city大城市

remote village偏远乡村


international city国际化大都市

大家可以试着用以上的城市类型造句哦!比如:I live in Shanghai which is an international city.

I live in a huge city called Shenzhen.

用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的

当然了城市类型还可以根据等级划分capital city首都, 省会

top-tier city一线城市

second-tier city二线城市

autonomous region自治区(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区)

municipality直辖市(Municipality of Beijing北京市)

举例:I live in Beijing which is the capital city of China.我住在中国首都北京

I live in Changchun which is a second-tier city.我住在二线城市长春

用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的


要点二:加入你家乡的背景细节I live in Paris. It’s the capital city of France. It’s famous for its landmarks such as Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre. It’s also well-known for its delicacies, of course.



Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔

Notre Dame Cathedral巴黎圣母院

the Louvre卢浮宫


用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的

Eiffel Tower

当在表达你的家乡因什么而出名时,可以运用一下句型My hometown is well-known for its landmarks.

My hometown is famous for its delicacies.

China has a reputation for martial arts.中国以武术闻名

用英语谈论自己的家乡,还在说My hometown is...?来学点高级的

要点三:你对家乡的评价,你喜欢住在这儿吗?I quite like living in Paris.我很喜欢住在巴黎

I really like living in Chengdu.我很喜欢住在成都

Beijing is a good place to live.北京是个适合居住的好地方

Living in Chongqing suits me.重庆很适合我居住

I don’t mind living in London.我不介意住在伦敦


I don’t like living in my hometown, because it’s a tiny village and is too quiet.

