Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说

今天来跟大家分享一句经常挂在外教 Lawrence 嘴边儿的一句口头禅~it's touch and go,什么都不好说、不确定。平时甭管是什么事儿,如果还没到最后一刻出结果之前,这位仁兄永远都只会抛下一句“还很难讲,看看情况再说吧!”

Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说


Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说

touch-and-goadj. 不确定;无把握;很难说;吉凶未卜;(形势)不确定的;看情况再说

【En】If you say that something is touch and go, you mean that you are uncertain whether it will happen or succeed. 如果你说某事是touch and go,你的意思是你不确定它是否会发生或成功。Extremely uncertain as to the outcome of something. 对某事的结果极不确定。

Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说

【Immersion Scenario Listening 沉浸情景听力】

● It is touch and go whether we'll succeed.


● I don't know for sure. Everything is a bit touch and go at the moment.


● It was a touch-and-go match from beginning to end, but fortunately, we were able to pull ahead in the last few minutes.


● Things were touch and go at the office until a new manager was hired.


Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说

● The doctors said it was a touch-and-go surgery, but he is expected to pull through and make a full recovery.


● Jane had a serious operation, and the situation was touch and go for two days after her surgery.


● It had been touch and go for him in the hospital, but he had eventually recovered.


● The doctor says that it's touch and go whether Mary will be okay.


Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说

● They know perfectly well that it was touch and go whether the unemployed were to receive anything at all.


● It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.


● It's touch and go whether we'll make it in time.


● Our business had a pretty rocky start — it was touch and go for a while there whether we'd even be able to keep going or not.


Everything is touch and go 眼下一切都还不好说