1. Some ignore you for the whole life even if they are with you from the beginning to the end; you will keep thinking about some people for the whole life after you have just thrown your eyes on 有的人你看了一辈子,却忽略了一辈子;有的人你看了一眼,却惦念了一生。 ​

2.You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. - 你不能无所事事的坐等人生带给你一切,你必须得自己努力争取。 ​

3.brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长. ​

4.If you asked me how many times you've crossed my mind, I would say once because you never really left. ~~~如果你问我,我想了你多少次,我会说一次,因为你从来没有真正离开过我的脑海。 ​

5.There is a love, obviously is the deep love, but can not say. There is a love, obviously want to let go, but not abandoned. -----有一种爱,明明是深爱,却说不出来。有一种爱,明明想放手,却无法离弃。 ​

6.can you for years and years to leave you, in addition to the best of yourself, respect。你能留给岁月的,岁月能留给你的,除了一个最好的自己,别无他物。 ​

7.Self-enterprising people will always find a way to take advantage of a situation, not be burdened by it.乐于进取的人永远能从环境中获取优势,而不是被其所累。 ​

8. Powerless, so go with the the heart relies anything, so go with the flow.

因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。 ​

9. If you have choices, choose the best. If you have no choice, do the 如果有选择,那就选择最好的;如果没有选择,那就努力做到最好。 ​

10.Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 ​

11.Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress. 找一个可以让你开心的人共度一生,而不是一个需要你去取悦的人。 ​

12.I pretend that I did not care at all,but you know what,my heart was almost broken.我装作毫不在意,知道吗,我的心中是多么难受 ​

13. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

你不尝试着做些能力之外的事情,就永远无法成长。 ​

14. Don't brood toomuch and just let it be. You will finally have what 不要盘算太多,要顺其自然,该是你的终会得到。 ​

15. I have nothing but have everything but her.我除了你什么都没有。你除了她什么都有。 ​

16. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me。

看 看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 ​

17. Why do we fall ? Because we can learn to pick ourselves up. 我们为什么跌倒?因为我们能学着站起来。 ​

18. I’m sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I’ll put on a smile and move on. It will hurt but I will survive. ——我伤心了,受伤了,生气了,愤怒了,失望了。但是你知道吗?我会面带微笑,继续生活。伤会痛,但我还要生存. ​

19. All you can do is try your best. Even with those little steps, you’re closer to your goal than you were yesterday.我们能做的只是要拼尽全力,即使迈出的步子再小,我们也比昨天要更接近自己的目标了。 ​

20. Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you. 时间在流逝,生命中人来人往。不要错失机会,告诉他们在你生命中的意义。 ​