人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Some people like the full moon because it symbolizes completeness; some people like the string moon because it is poetic.有人喜欢圆月,因为它象征圆满;有的人喜欢弦月,因为它富有诗意。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

No matter what people think and feel about the moon, it has to follow its own path after all. It can never meet all people's expectations.不管人们对月亮有什么样的想法和观感,它终究还是得循着自己的轨迹前进,它永远无法满足所有人的期盼。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Loneliness is not only a kind of pure happiness, but a beautiful scenery on the road of life.寂寞是一种清福,也是人生路上一道亮丽的风景。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Loneliness is also a kind of enjoyment. In the noisy world, we should be able to keep the silence of our hearts and reflect on life, love and career.寂寞也是一种享受。在喧嚣的尘世中,我们应能保持心灵的寂静,反思生活、爱情和事业。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Loneliness is a poem, a landscape, a piece of beautiful music.寂寞是一首诗,一道风景,一曲美妙的音乐。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Half of human's troubles come from ourselves, because we often paint the earth as a prison and bind ourselves.人的烦恼一半源于自己,因为我们常常画地为牢,作茧自缚。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Only a person with courage and open-minded character can gallop and control his life, love and career.一个人惟胆量大、性格豁达,方能纵横驰骋,掌控生活、爱情和事业。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

If one cares too much about wealth, he will be controlled by the desire of wealth.一个人如果太在乎富贵,就会被富贵的欲望控制。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

Wealth is an important resource to realize our dreams. It enables us to realize our dreams economically and quickly. But many people can't do it only by relying on wealth.富贵是实现梦想的重要资源,它能让我们从经济上快速实现梦想,但仅依靠富贵实现梦想,许多人是无法做到的。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

In life, we should treat loneliness, worry, desire and wealth with calm and peaceful mood.生活中,我们应以平静的心情,平和的心境对待寂寞、烦恼、欲望和富贵。

人生感悟——Loneliness is a poemp寂寞是首诗

When our hearts are full of love and sincerity, we will feel the real good life.当我们的心中充满爱和真诚时,我们就会感受到真正美好的生活。