一 无所求则无所获。If there is no demand, there is no gain.
二 勇往直前,永不言败。Go ahead and never say die.
三 工欲善其事,必先利其器。Sharp tools make good work.
四 光阴易逝,知己难寻。Time is fleeting, friends are hard to find.
五 勤奋和勇敢会给人带来好运。Diligence and courage bring good luck.
六 在奔跑的路上记得带上自己的微笑。Remember to bring your own smile on the way of running.
七 带着骄傲,迎着风向前跑。Run in front of the wind with pride.
八 往事不必回头,一切尽在眼中。You don't have to look back. Everything is in your eyes.
九 就算事与愿违,也要含着眼泪微笑。Even if it's not, smile with tears in your eyes.
十 自己选择的路,跪着也要走完。I choose to walk on my knees.