Hi 大家好,欢迎来到MIA的英文课堂。

Parent这个词大家很熟悉了,我们最常见的它的意思就是指我们的爸爸或妈妈,当用作复数parents时指的就是父母了。 但其实它还有其他很常用的意思,今天MIA就带大家学习parent的三种常见用法。


parent 母公司【英英释义】(noun名词)a company that owns one or more companies.

【例】The parent company is expected to spend 1 million $ in advertising this year. 母公司今年预计将在广告宣传上投资100万美元。

parent 育儿、养孩子【英英释义】(verb 动词)to raise a child as their parent.

【例】 He was parented very well. 他被教育的很好。


It's not fair that you question my parenting skills when you do not parent our kids at all! 你一点都不管孩子,凭什么质疑我的育儿方法!

parent 家长这个是我们最常见的用法了

【英英释义】(noun 名词)a mother or father of a person

【例】 I love my parents. 我爱我的爸爸妈妈。

【Let's Talk】

Are you a parent? Do you have trouble parenting your kids? Leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.
