

Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunshine shone into my "little nest," I got up and washed up in an instant, and then started my busy life of the day-volunteer work. In fact, it is only to help others do some things within their capabilities. Although it is only to do some small things, I think it is also a volunteer.


Speaking of me as a "volunteer," there is still an experience. Just last summer vacation, one day, I saw Grandma Hu, who lives downstairs with two heavy bags of garbage in her hands, hunched back and buried her head, struggling to walk to the garbage room under the scorching sun, and constantly wiping the sweat from her forehead. I thought to myself; Grandma Hu is so old, and the garbage room is so far apart, can it be done? Why don't you help Grandma Hu? Without saying anything, I rushed forward to lift the garbage bag in Grandma Hu's hand and said to Grandma Hu: "Grandma Hu, the garbage room is so far apart, you are old, let me help you." Grandma Hu smiled heartily, and before she could speak, I rushed away. After helping Grandma Hu take out the garbage, I suddenly felt that I had done a great thing. I was extremely honored. I didn't expect to be so happy to help others. After that, I often help others.


This is not, today I came out on patrol again. Hey, what is Grandpa Wang doing? When I approached, I turned out to be sweeping the stairs. I hurriedly ran to Grandpa Wang's side and said to him, "Grandpa Wang, go rest and I'll help you." Grandpa Wang jokingly said, "Good, good, I'll let you, a little volunteer, help me." Then I took the broom and cleaned it with a smile.


Now, I have learned from being a "volunteer": do your best to help others regardless of remuneration, don't care if you are a real volunteer, but as long as you help others and give others happiness, you are a real volunteer.
