happen和take place的共同点:1、都有“发生”之意;2、都没有被动语态。

happen和take place的不同之处:

happen,(1)“(偶然)发生”。表示某人发生某事(某事做主语),用sth. happen to sb. 例如:

What happened to him?他发生什么事情了?

happen,(2)“(偶然)发生”。表示某地/某时发生了某事(某事做主语),用sth. happen +时间/地点 例如:

The traffic accident happened last night.昨晚发生了这起交通事故。

Where did the earthquake happen?地震是在哪里发生的?

happen,(3)“碰巧”。表示某人碰巧做了某事(某人做主语),用sb. happen to do sth. 和 It happens +that 从句。例如:

I happened to be there. 我碰巧在那儿。

It happened that he met his parents on the street. 他碰巧在遇到了他父母亲。

take place ,“发生”。指事先计划好或预先布置好的某种确定事件发生。此外,还可指举行某种活动。例如:

Great changes took place last year in my hometown.去年我的家乡发生了巨大变化。

The meeting will take place soon.会议即将举行。

Let's have a try.


「考点精讲」辨析happen与take place

「考点精讲」辨析happen与take place