JESSICA: Lulu! Too bad you have to fly to Shanghai for your friend's wedding next month. 我本来想约你一起去听演唱会呢!
LL: 嗨,别提了,要结婚的那俩个人,分手啦! Say Bye-Bye啦!
JESSICA: What? Did they break up?
LL: 分手就是 break up? b-r-e-a-k, break. u-p up. 没错,分手啦! 这俩人特神,婚期定了,喜贴发了。结果,上礼拜那个女生给我来电话说,她和那男生分手了! 是不是该说 She broke up with her
JESSICA: Yes. Break up with someone 就是跟某人分手。不过,Lulu, What happened? Why did they break up?
LL: 听说是那个男生劈腿!
JESSICA: What's 劈腿?
LL: 就是...他还跟别的女生好。He has another girlfriend.
JESSICA: Really? He cheated on the girl he was gonna marry?
LL: 等会儿,我知道 cheat 是“欺骗”,你说的 cheat on her,就是背着她和别人好,“劈腿”的意思,对不对?
JESSICA: That's right!
LL: 所以啊,你说,都快结婚了,却发现 Her boyfriend cheated on her, 这女生能不跟他一刀两断吗?!
JESSICA: There you go! Cut their ties! If I were her, I would not give that guy another chance either!
LL: Cut their ties? T-i-e-s, ties 就是联系。Cut their ties 就是彻底断绝关系,一刀两断喽?
JESSICA: 没错! Now let's see what you've learned today!
LL: 第一,情侣分手是 break up;
第二,劈腿,对伴侣不忠,是 cheat on someone;
第三,说俩人一刀两断叫 cut their ties!
My life is falling apart.
My heart is crushed.
No man is good enough for you.